As the world faces the global energy crisis, measures are taken by IDI’s EU-funded SolarHub project in conjunction with the European Green Deal initiative and Clean Energy Transition. A consortium of 21, from Ireland, Türkiye, Germany, Belgium, and Greece, SolarHub is funded under Horizon Europe WIDERA Excellence Hub to generate synergy in the form of the Greek-Turkish Solar Energy Excellence Hub.
The kick-off meeting took place on January 23rd at İstanbul Technical University with more than 70 participants from academia, business, public authorities, and societal actors. As one of the leading partners, four IDI representatives gathered with high-level officials from Turkish and Greek authorities and the highly regarded project officers from the European Commission to their next steps.
IDI will run the “Maximizing Impact” work package, which constitutes a rich array of components that include identifying, creating, and nurturing synergies required to transfer value between the project and the different key stakeholder groups. Over the lifespan of the project, IDI will find balance among other leading beneficiaries by creating a horizontal influence of different work plan actions, through models, engagement, and sustainability strategies.
SolarHub will evolve into a leading Excellence Hub for EU Solar energy as IDI takes on the challenge of aligning concrete and co-developed solutions for clean and secure energy and food. The EU-funded project will oversee the pathways to innovation-driven green economic growth and the facilitation of job creation. This will be achieved by the project’s R&I solution framework, including four diverse pre-designs for solar energy solutions targeting the agri-food sector, with straightforward extensions to other sectors too. Over the lifespan of the project, partners are to heighten the development of the Excellence Hub for EU Solar energy by means of utilizing green deal-driven innovative technologies, training modalities, management, communications, and dissemination strategies.