Project Management Unit Members of the Scientific and Technological Research Institution of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) visited APRE in Rome in June. The 3-day international study visit was held within the scope of IDIs “Türkiye in Horizon 2020 Phase-II” project between 14-16 June 2022 in Rome. The target audience of this visit was TÜBİTAK National Contact Points, who are responsible for the European Innovation Council, Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence, Energy and Industry. This was the first study visit for the Operational Coordination Unit members within the scope of the project and also served to establish contacts for future collaboration.
The aim of this visit was to learn best practice and get inspiration from the institutions in Europe. This visit allowed TÜBİTAK NCPs to exchange ideas with their counterparts in APRE (The Agency for the Promotion of European Research) and hold talks to discuss potential collaborations. Another goal was to participate in site visits organized by the main institute being visited. In this context, visits were made to maintain cooperation with APRE, and meetings were held with CREA (Agricultural Research and Economics Council) within the scope of Horizon Europe Cluster 6 and with ISS (Italian National Institute of Health) in the field of Health and Environment.